Here is a list of common 3ds Max shortcuts, that will get you started with your modeling. I kept it short and sweet to keep it comprehensive.
"Obvious" shortcuts are grayed out, however I included them as they can be- not-so-obvious if you already have experience using any other 3d modeling software.
Alt + W –> Maximize/ minimize viewport
MMB –> Pan view
Alt + MMB –> Rotate view
Scroll –> Zoom
Ctrl + Z -> Undo
Shift + Scroll –> Fast scroll
Alt + Shift + Scroll – > Slow zoom
Z –> Focus on an object
7 –> Polygon count
M –> Open material editor / close material editor
LMB –> Selected an object
LMB outside of an object to unselect
Alt + LMB -> Deselect an object
Ctrl + LMB -> Select multiple objects
On selected object:
W –> Move
E –> Rotate
R –> Scale
Alt + X -> Enable/disable x-ray view
Shift + Move -> Clone
Space –> Lock select/unlock select